The fabulous Aubree co-owner of the super chic childrens clothing line Crew & Cate presented me with my very 1st Blogger Award today. Upon accepting the blogger award, one must tell 7 random things about themselves, and then pass it along to 2 other people. So in honor of the blog award here are 7 things about me….. Alicia & Courtney your up next!
1: I am so thankful to have a personal relationship with God.
2: I am deatlhy afraid of lighting.. as in I will sprint inside at the 1st sign of a flash
3: I’m not as tough as I act
4: While driving & showering I often belt out Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston or Leon Lewis at the top of my lungs
5: I am Big Sis with Big Brothers Big Sisters, I was a Big Sis while I was in college also, my little is now 16! I am so proud of the beautiful young woman she has become
6: I walked away from my successful corporate career to purse my passion & have not missed it one single day!
7: I am very adaptable, throw me in a situation/city/job give me a few weeks & you would think I’ve been there for years.. I really just came to learn this about myself recently
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