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    Tolerant Sisters

    When you have a passion for something, it consumes you, ever free moment you have you want to feed that passion, you want to practice and improve, dream and create. For better or worse my sisters have been there supporting my passion. Now in the beginning it was easy to convince them to dress up and model for me,  however as of late, there has been bribery and negotiation involved, this photo comes after a good hour long negotiation on Thanksgiving day. Apparently after eating a big turkey dinner, getting dressed up and modeling for your sister is not high on the priority list. However we came to an agreement, I had 20 minutes to get my shot then they were out, it was two against one so I took it. So thank you sisters for helping to feed my passion. Just a few of my favorites for now, from my allotted 20 minutes!

    Tough Mudder Tampa

    For those of you not familiar with Tough Mudder let me let you in on a little secret, it’s the fastest growing event series in the country right now, & you can’t “win it” it!  Tough Mudder is an 11 mile long obstacle course thats purpose is to test your endurance, team work, and mental skills. Sound fun? If you don’t think it sounds fun there are 140,000 people this year alone who will disagree with you. FRS Healthy Performance drink was on-site as a sponsor, and also had FRS Team EATA participating. This is when the best of my both worlds colide, and I was able to catch just a glimpse at just how Tough, Tough Mudder really is.

    Beach Life

    My favorite part about photography is capturing every day moments, while in Costa Rica I met these two adorable sisters. I sat on the beach, camera in hand, and just shot while the girls played. Once they figured out I had a camera they wanted to ham it up a bit, but the newness wore off and they went back to being little girls at the beach. These images remind me of the simple times in life, time to slow down, enjoy our surroundings, and live for the moments of today.

    Lil’ Sis Lisa – NYC Senior Portraits

    I don’t exactly know how to start this post because its so personal to me. 9 years ago as a sophomore in college I signed up to volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sister, I had no idea at the time how much it would change my life. Lisa was 8 when we met, & quiet, but she was up for anything and quickly became my best buddy. I toted her around Purdue’s campus, dragging her to meet my friends, making her drink green tea & watch Oprah, and even taking her to football game ( the football didn’t rub off, but i think she still liked it). After graduation I moved away, we chatted here and there, but life got busy and we lost touch. Last fall I got the best surprise, a friend request from Lisa’s mom on Facebook. We immediately exchanged numbers and I got to talk to my long lost Lil’. Lisa has grown into a beautiful, smart, chatty woman and I am so happy & excited to continue our relationship as she graduates from high school this year and heads to college. Our 1st adventure was a trip to NYC to capture her senior pictures and have a long over due catch up session. Sorry this post is so long, I am usually very private, but I just had to share because I am so proud of my Lil’ Lisa!

    A couple of photo’s from today –