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    Bellagio – Las Vegas

    One of the assignments given at Skips Summer School in Las Vegas ( My photography conferance) was to work on previsiualizing shots we wanted to take. So I did a little practice after class that day.

    I knew I wanted to go to the Bellagio – this of course was before I knew it was going to be a 25 minute walk in the desert heat, but thats another story – I knew I wanted to be standing directly in front of Bellagio smack dab in the middle of the building, I wanted to capture the fountains at dusk. I had an image already in my head before I ever walked out of my hotel.. which was exactly what we were supposed to practice!

    So I hiked my way over to the Bellagio, weasled my way into the crowd that surrounded my perfect locatoin and stood ready at exactly 7:59pm.. 1 minute before the fountains were set to go off…. and this is what I captured.

    After seeing what I was able to capture.. I decided that this previsiualization stuff might not be a bad idea after all!

    “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere” ~Chinese Proverb

    Blogger Award

    The fabulous Aubree co-owner of the super chic childrens clothing line Crew & Cate presented me with my very 1st Blogger Award today. Upon accepting the blogger award, one must tell 7 random things about themselves, and then pass it along to 2 other people. So in honor of the blog award here are 7 things about me…..     Alicia Courtney your up next! :)

    1: I am so thankful to have a personal relationship with God.

    2: I am deatlhy afraid of lighting.. as in I will sprint inside at the 1st sign of a flash

    3: I’m not as tough as I act

    4: While driving & showering I often belt out Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston or Leon Lewis at the top of my lungs

    5: I am Big Sis with Big Brothers Big Sisters, I was a Big Sis while I was in college also, my little is now 16! I am so proud of the beautiful young woman she has become

    6: I walked away from my successful corporate career to purse my passion & have not missed it one single day!

    7: I am very adaptable, throw me in a situation/city/job give me a few weeks & you would think I’ve been there for years.. I really just came to learn this about myself recently

    Mi Familia : Louisville Portrait Photographer

    I don’t think I was fully prepared for my little sister to be engaged, after all she’s the baby, my little munchkin, the little girl I have protected like a mother lion (if you ask her she will tell you this is very true) since she was born. Being the oldest this just comes naturally, so my little sister is getting married and she’s not gonna need me to protect her anymore.. I don’t think I like this!

    I was however elated that she & my momma came to visit me & we were able to go wedding dress shopping together, there were plenty of dress photo’s taken but of course those can’t be posted, I was able to talk them into a quick shoot since I don’t get the chance to photograph them that often!

    Marina : Louisville Senior Portraits

    Miss Marina is an early bird.. I know because she agreed to have her photo shoot at 6:30AM…. wait she actually suggested it!!

    Since I love the early morning sun I jumped on the chance, even though I am far from an early bird, I’m more of a night owl, hince the name!

    Marina is a girl after my own heart, because usually you don’t climb trees in a dress & heels, or slash around a crbut that didn’t stop her, we climbed trees, wadded through streams and hiked through the weeds because Marina knew what she wanted and we went for it! Marina have a fantastic senior year, enjoy your new found free time, you have a huge heart and so much to give, I admire that! :)

    Mallory & Grant : Lexington Wedding Photographer

    You might notice some familiar faces in these photo’s… this is because I also second shot Mallory’s sister Jennifer’s wedding not too long ago. Can you imagine how fun it would be to plan a wedding with your big sister.. I’m sure Mallory & Jennifer’s father was also thrilled to find out his two girls where getting married within months of each other! (wink wink)

    The Warren family could not be a nicer family and I was so excited to be second shooting for miss Alicia