I’ll just come right out with it, I need to do a better job at blogging & letting you get to know me. This idea is some what hard for me, not because I don’t want you all to get to know me because if you know me in real life you know I am overly outgoing, probably annoyingly friendly & overall very interested in people.
My problem is I lack confidence in my ablility to portray myself through words. Writing is not something I think I do well, word choice isn’t really my strong suit.. well that is unless you ask my boyfriend who frequently pokes fun at the words I choose to describe things.. for instance today I told him my creativity was being stifiled…. now I like the word stifled and I find no reason to not use it in an audible term.. but Mr. BF as i’ll refer to him, laughs he says because while it would be fine to use such terms in writing, uttering them out loud is a whole different ball game..! WHATEVER
ok that was a complete digression but I hope you get my point.. I’m not a writer, I’m a photographer, give me a 50mm 1.4 lens & my Nikon D700, hot diggity dog I’m ready to roll.. hand me a blank screen and tell me to fill it with word… whoaaaa now that isn’t what I signed up for.. BUT I realize that the only way you can get to know me is if I put myself out there.. so here I am.. I’m out here!
I currently in Vegas attending a photography conference called Skips Summer School, my brain is on system overload with the copious (u like that word don’t you) amount of amazing information I am getting and I’m excited to come back and use this new knowledge.
My goal is to blog with my words at least once a week. If you are a photographer and you have questions please feel free to ask I will give you the knowledge that I have. I love questions, ask away, you will never be able to annoy me with question because one of my good friends nicknamed me Britannica … I am the queen of questions & curiosity.. I guess its a good thing I’m not a cat!
until the next time…
“We can not help everyone, but everyone can help someone” Regan